Mandalay Hill Resort lies at the foot of Mandalay Hill with a panoramic view of a myriad of pagodas and faces

Variety of packages trek around Southern Shan State and Eastern Shan State to the ethnic minorities villages.

Myanmar Festival
During the festival time, thousands of devotees come from villages around the area to the cave.

Travel News
Mauris ullamcorper nibh quis leo ultrices in hendrerit velit tristiqueut augue in nulla lacinia bibendum liberoras rutrum ac purus ut tristique.
Café Sule launched the new Wednesday Seafood Buffet at Sule Shangri-La Hotel. Our Chefs at Café Sule prepared all the usual international BBQ items, high quality beef, pork, mutton, sausages and veggies.
Our Customers Favourite Destinations
Myanmar – the Gold Land with palatial pagodas and temples has become the dream of many travelers all around the world. The gorgeous and ancient temples in Yangon, Bagan, Mandalay such as Shwedagone Pagoda, Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda and so on are not only the precious national objects of Myanmar but also the invaluable legacy of humanity. Choosing your tour style and discover Myanmar right now!