Myanmar Festivals

Kachin Manaw Festival
It is a delightful festival of the hill people, Kachin and one of the most popular festivals in Myanmar. This festival has been held for more than three decades. Manaw festival is the celebration of the New Year, Victory in battles, reunion of the tribes etc. Everybody in town joins the spiritual dance lined up behind one another.
Place : Myitkyina and Putao in Kachine State
Time : During January of every year

Ananda Pagoda Festival
Naga Festival is the social and the New Year celebration of the Nagas. The Naga national race comprises many different tribes with their own languages and culture.
Place : Either Lahe or Layshi, Kachin State
Time : Usually January 14 to 16

Naga New Year Festival
This is the biggest and most important pagoda festival in Central and Upper Myanmar. Villagers come in caravans of covered ox-carts and camp out for the duration of this exciting country fair.
Place : Ananda Pagoda, Bagan, Mandalay Division
Time : During January of every year, depending on Myannar Lunar Calendar

Maha Muni Pagoda Festival
Maha Muni Pagoda Festival, devotees light bonfires and cook huge pans of sticky rice with ginger, coconut and sesame to offer to monks. In other parts of the country this sticky rice is cooked as a celebration of the harvest and distributed within communities.
Place : Maha Muni Pagoda, Mandalay
Time : During February / March, depends on Lunar Calendar

Kyaik Khaut Pagoda Festival
The nearest pagoda festival from Yangon, just 30 minutes drive. The festival is teeming with music troops, traditional dance performances, puppet show held in temporary theatres, vendors of miscellaneous item and food stalls. Local pilgrims visit to pay homage and enjoy the festival.
Place : Thanlyin, near Yangon
Time : During February, depends on Lunar Calendar

Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival
Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival is one of the most significant Pagoda Festival in Upper Myanmar. People from the entire nation pay Pilgrimage to the Pagoda during the festival days.
Place : Magway Division
Time : During February, depends on Lunar Calendar

Htamane Festival
To celebrate the harvest, communities and organizations cook giant pans of sticky rice with ginger, coconut, peanuts and lots of sesame. Then offered to the Buddha and is given away for free to all the visitors to the pagodas.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During February / March, depends on Lunar Calendar

Pindaya Shwe U-Min Pagoda Festival
During the festival time, thousands of devotees come from villages around the area to the cave. A kind of pagoda mall is set up at the foot of the hill under big shady Banyan trees to sell local products.
Place : Pindaya, Southern Shan State
Time : During March, depends on Lunar Calendar

Thingyan Water Festival
It is believed that water festival washes away sins and welcomes the New Year. The water festival represents the most popular, raucous and colorful celebration of the year.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During April every year, depends on Lunar Calendar

Thanakha Grinding Festival
Thanakha Grinding Festival is the traditional event of the Rakhines race. On festival day, all go to nearby pagodas and wash the Buddha images with Thanakha as a new-year eve good deed.
Place : Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State
Time : Thingyan eve (April), depends on Lunar Calendar

Kason Watering Festival
This festival is water pouring ceremony at the Maha-Bodhi tree, the holy Banyan tree at the foot of which the Buddha attained Buddha hood or enlightenment.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During May, depends on Lunar Calendar

Pariyatti Sasana Examination
This is held to turn out talented and brilliant persons and members of the Sangha in flourishing period of Buddha Sasana, to support Pariyatti Sasana at highest level and to turn out brilliant persons who can recite Pitaka orally.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During June, depends on Lunar Calendar

Waso Festival
Pilgrims throughout the country gather wild flowers to offer at pagodas, and offer new robes to monks.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During July, depends on Lunar Calendar

Taung Pyone Spirit Festival
Devotees from all over Myanmar, comes to this special festival and offer their donations and enjoy themselves with the blessings of the spirits, every year. They pray for prosperity, fame, and luck for the next coming year.
Place : Taung Pyone Village, near Mandalay
Time : During August, depends on Lunar Calendar

Manuha Pagoda Festival
During the festival, rice cakes and pickled winter melon are served to all comers from near and far. The Myinkaba region dwellers donate these to all visitors. This tradition is also believed to have been descended from the time of the King Manuha.
Place : Myinkaba village, Bagan
Time : During September / October, depends on Lunar Calendar

Thadingyut Lighting Festival
Thadingyut Festival celebrates the return of the Buddha to earth from the abode of gods, where He had been preaching an especially profound section of His Doctrine for an entire Lent. Buddhists lighted up His way with candles, oil-lamps and torches.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During October, can change according to the Lunar Calendar

Kyaut Taw Gyi Pagoda Festival
An exciting festival focused on a huge Buddha image carved from a block of marble. It coincides with an annual competition among teams of cane-ball (chinlon) players.
Place : Mandalay
Time : During October, can change according to the Lunar Calendar

Dancing Elephants Festival
It is a marvelous performance of two men together to dance in rhythm. A huge elephant figure is made from bamboo and paper. Men take their places inside the figure and dance around the town to the accompaniment of Dobat and Drums.
Place : Kyaukse, Mandalay Division
Time : During October, can change according to the Lunar Calendar

Shwezigon Pagoda Festival
A great ceremony, there is a ritual of offering a filled alms bowl to a thousand and more monks and novices.
Place : Nyaung U, near Bagan
Time : During November, can change according to the Lunar Calendar

Kahtein Thingan Offering Festival
Kahtein Festival is held annually. The Kahtein robes and other offerings such as slippers, umbrellas, alms bowls, towels, soap and other necessities, cash offering in the shape of a tree (the padaytharpin) are presented to monks.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During November, can change according to the Lunar Calendar

Matho Thingan (Yellow Robe) Weaving Festival
This festival of Tazaungmone is an auspicious time for offering of yellow robes to the monks. In commemoration of this event weaving competitions of yellow robes are held all over the country.
Place : Throughout the country
Time : During November, can change according to the Lunar Calendar

Hot Air Balloon Festival
On this occasion people enjoy fun and merriment by holding firework-launching competitions. The firework is in the form of rockets. There is also hot balloons competitions on the day and night occasions.
Place : Taunggyi, Southern Shan State
Time : During November, can change according to the Lunar Calendar

Kyaikhtiyo (Golden Rock) Pagoda Festival
The Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda Festival is a special festival of lights celebration. Locals offer the lighting of 9000 candles and 9000 flowers to the Buddha. The platform and passage of the pagoda are usually filled with visitors from all over the country.
Place : Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda, Mon State
Time : Evening of 31st December